Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Watery Wednesday - Banks Lake Feeder Canal

Part of the Columbia Basin Irrigation project, water is pumped from Lake Roosevelt (behind the Grand Coulee dam) up through a 1.6 mile long feeder canal into Banks Lake. From there the water is distributed via other canals, tunnels and reservoirs where it is used to irrigate over 60 different types of crops grown throughout central Washington.

Banks Lake Feeder Canal

Linking to Watery Wednesday at Tricia's Bluff Area Daily. Click on the icon below.


  1. Ah memories of the Pacific Northwest! Gotta love it don't we! This picture is remarkable in B&W -- really shows the beauty as well as the technical aspects very well.

  2. Pretty picture....I'd like to live in that house over on the right hand side hill there...don't you know they have a wonderful view???

  3. Nice picture! Reminds me of our CAP Water Project, only more scenic!


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"Not all those who wander are lost." - J. R. R. Tolkien

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