Saturday, April 27, 2013

InSPIREd Sunday - Grace Lutheran

Welcome to InSPIREd Sunday where Beth from "E." Lizard Breath Speaks and I are hosting shots each week of churches, temples or other buildings where religious services are held.

Me, I like spires and that is what I typically will post. But who knows what I might come across in my travels!

Grace Lutheran Church - Erhard, Minnesota

The guidelines are simple for participating in InSPIREd Sunday.

  1. The meme opens each Saturday at 6 p.m. Eastern Time until Monday afternoon.
  2. Post a picture of a church, temple, or other fabulous architectural building where religious services are held. If you know the name of the building, include it.
  3. Include the InSPIREd Sunday Badge on your post.
  4. Visit others who are linking up to meme whenever possible.

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. Thanks for joining in and hope you have an InSPIREd day!


  1. congrats on your new meme! i love the spire with the tiny spires at the bottom!

  2. The Grace Lutheran spire is a beautiful sight in the sky. Good luck on the new meme. I linked to it on my picture, but can't add the badge on Aminus3.

  3. i added in one of only 2 churches i've ever photographed and posted. it's an old post, but wanted to throw my support to your new meme. hope you don't mind - and i've added your button and link to my 'favorite memes' tab.

  4. so exciting - i love this. you found a keeper. i wonder what the big hole (looks like a mouth) is for? a see through spot or what? so curious??! ( :

  5. Great close up of the detail!...see you tomorrow when I link up!...:)JP

  6. How interesting that the architectural details of different churches seem to reinforce what little I may know about their actual religious beliefs. Your Lutheran spire is a good example.

    Sorry I messed up your links. Must have been the excitement of starting a new meme. :-)

  7. I like the siding and the cross on top! This looks like an older church.

  8. So simple yet inspiring...Love it!

  9. Definitely points to the 'heavens' which I guess must have been the inspiration for church spires in the first place now that I think of it!

  10. I love the shingled roof on this one! Looks like you had a nice turnout for the premiere week and I really will be participating once I can get out for a photo shoot. :)


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"Not all those who wander are lost." - J. R. R. Tolkien

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